A Western Affair 2019: Celebrating Cattle, Corks, and Conservation

Sacramento, Calif. – April 4, 2019 –
California Rangeland Trust is hosting its annual A Western Affair gala this summer, bringing together urban and rural communities to conserve our state’s precious rangelands and the benefits they provide. In partnership with the Wente family— a family with long and rich history in both wine-making and ranching— this year’s event will be hosted at Wente Vineyards in Livermore, CA on Saturday, June 29, with an exclusive VIP wine blending class and reception on Friday, June 28.

“Like the Wente family, many ranchers and vintners have found ways to nurture both cattle and vines in harmony. This year’s gala will highlight how both contribute significantly to our economy, are stewards of healthy soils, produce the local food we enjoy, and provide the iconic landscapes we cherish,” said Rangeland Trust CEO Nita Vail. “And since red meat and red wine go so well together, we will have a culinary experience like no other.”

A Western Affair 2019 will draw about 400 people from throughout the state to enjoy the things we all love about our Western heritage. This unforgettable evening will bring the spirit of the West to life with a delectable dinner, a silent auction featuring a collection of specialty items, a live auction packed with one-of-a-kind experiences, and live country music and dancing to cap off the night. Funds raised through this event will reach far beyond the ranching community. By helping to conserve privately-stewarded open space, Californians will forever have peaceful restorative views, cleaner air and water, healthy local food, and valuable habitat for wildlife to thrive.

This event is extremely popular and is expected to sell out quickly. Guests are invited to purchase tickets or tables by visiting www.rangelandtrust.org/a-western-affair-2019 or calling (916) 444-2096.


A Western Affair is California Rangeland Trust’s Annual Gala which raises significant funding to protect private rangeland and ensure that working landscapes remain healthy and viable for present and future generations. Each year it is held in a different region of California to reflect what that region has to offer, and guests experience the various aspects of the area’s working lands.

Approximately 62 percent of all open space in California is private rangeland, which benefits local communities. The Rangeland Trust works with ranchers to ensure their working lands remain pristine habitat for wildlife and continue to produce healthy food and contribute to the local economy. California Rangeland Trust was founded in 1998 by a group of innovative cattlemen and cattlewomen and has conserved nearly 330,000 acres of rangeland to date.