Roen Le Grand Ranch is 94.2 acres and is part of a larger ranch called the Le Grand Ranch that is 7,350 acres. The ranch is home to livestock grazing, high quality natural habitats for special status species including annual grasslands, vernal playa pools/vernal lakes, seasonal swale and vernal pool habitats, and open space and scenic values from working landscapes.
The 94.2 acre project, part of the larger 1,925 acre EKR Ranches Foundation (Roen Ranch) property is being set aside and protected in perpetuity to mitigate prior agricultural disturbance to vernal pools and seasonal wetlands on the “Merced Ranch” located north of the city of Merced. The property supports federally-listed species such as California tiger salamander, vernal pool fairy shrimp, and other federally listed vernal pool branchiopods. It also includes several wetland types including vernal pools, seasonal wetland swales, and playa wetlands, which collectively comprise 40.3 wetted acres.
California Rangeland Trust is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax identification number 31-1631453) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
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