December 19, 2024 BY EMILY EHRKE

For the past 20 years, the California Rangeland Trust has joined forces with eight like-minded organizations as part of the Partnership of Rangeland Trusts (PORT) to conserve rangelands. Together, PORT has positioned itself as a driving force for conservation, spanning 12 states across the West and Midwest and supporting agriculture, the environment, rural communities, and the hardworking hands that sustain our working lands.

The Rangeland Trust’s portfolio accounts for over 400,000 of the 3.1 million acres that PORT members have collectively conserved, with many more active projects to come. The United States loses roughly 2,000 acres of farm and ranch land each day, so the partnerships between private landowners and land trusts is an essential way to preserve land for food production, carbon sequestration, and the future of agriculture for generations to come.

The California Rangeland Trust is proud to partner with PORT members to preserve working lands and help ranchers continue their livelihoods across the country.