Category: Sacramento County

Image of vernon pools at apple road ranch.

Apple Road Ranch

Apple Road Ranch Sacramento County Permanently Protecting Vernal Pool Habitat Situated on the western side of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, the 239-acre Apple Road Ranch is a mitigation easement owned by Westervelt and leased out for cattle grazing. The property provides high quality natural and established habitat for vernal

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Image of family of four gazing out over green pasture.

Van Vleck Ranch

The Van Vleck Ranch sits directly across the highway from 3,000 homes. While the Van Vlecks had an opportunity to sell the ranch for development, they instead made the decision to preserve the ranch for future generations. In 2017 and 2019, the Van Vlecks worked with the Rangeland Trust to conserve 285 acres and 450 acres respectively. Both were mitigation projects, funded by private developers, to offset nearby developmental impacts on habitat.

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