(SACRAMENTO) – January 16, 2024
The California Rangeland Trust today announced that Carolyn Carey has been elected to chair of the Board of Directors. Carey will work closely with the Rangeland Trust board and staff to protect the state’s working landscapes and a way of life for California ranchers.
“We’re grateful and proud to have Carolyn Carey at the helm of California Rangeland Trust Board,” said Rangeland Trust CEO, Michael Delbar. “Like many ranchers, Carolyn maintains a strong conservation-ethic and deep commitment to stewardship for the land and care for livestock. That combined with her proven leadership abilities make her well-positioned to lead the organization forward.”
After growing up in Napa County and attending the University of California, Davis, Carey eventually married into a fourth-generation California ranching family and moved to the small community of Alturas in the far reaches of Northeastern California. Today, Carey and her family grow organic alfalfa hay and run commercial cattle on ranches in Modoc County. Their management plan prioritizes health for the land, which is evidenced by the rich wildlife habitat maintained on their grazed landscapes. For example, ducks, geese, ibis, Swainson’s Hawk, Bank swallows, and a variety of other birds find refuge on the meadows and grasslands found on Carey’s ranch along the Pit River.
Over the years, Carey has volunteered her service to the betterment of the beef industry through her involvement in local, state, and national organizations, including the California Cattlemen’s Association, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Western Ranchers Beef Cooperative, Modoc County Land Use Committee, California Beef Council and RANGE Conservation Foundation. Carey also served on the California Rangeland Trust Board of Directors for the past 10 years, including as vice chair for the last two.
“Since joining the board, I’ve seen first-hand the positive impact that the Rangeland Trust has had on communities across the state,” said Carey. “Serving as chair of the board is a privilege, enhanced by the board’s commitment to keep ranchers ranching. I’m excited to work with the board and staff to advance the Rangeland Trust’s mission and secure a brighter future for all Californians through rangeland conservation.”
Carey will serve as Chair of the Rangeland Trust Board of Directors through the end of 2025. The board comprises 15 ranchers, conservationists and business leaders from around California who commit their time and expertise to conserving California’s working rangelands in service to the land, people, and wildlife of the Golden State.
California Rangeland Trust is a 501 (c)(3) organization headquartered in Sacramento, Calif., dedicated to serving the land, people and wildlife by conserving California’s working rangelands. Founded in 1998 by a group of ranchers determined to safeguard rangeland agriculture and the natural ecosystems they steward; the Rangeland Trust is the only rancher-led land trust in California. Over the last 26 years, the organization has permanently protected nearly 400,000 acres of open rangeland to provide clean air and water, carbon sequestration, vibrant habitat for wildlife and healthy foods that all Californian’s rely upon. For more information visit www.rangelandtrust.org.
California Rangeland Trust is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax identification number 31-1631453) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
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