Category: Plumas County

Goodwin Ranches

Goodwin Ranches Plumas County Preserving Rangeland for Future Generations The ranches encompass 3,904 and 2,946 acres of rangeland in the eastern portion of the northern Sierra Nevada Mountain range. The easement conserves bird habitat, areas of high native plant diversity, safeguards montane riparian, streams, and natural habitats that adjoin creeks,

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DS Ranch

DS Ranch Plumas county Conservation Agreement to Pass on Land Stewardship & Ranching Legacy In March 2005, California Rangeland Trust completed a land preservation agreement on the 7,947-acre DS Ranch located in Plumas County. California Rangeland Trust also holds easements on two other ranches in the Sierra Valley- the Bar One

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Bar One Ranch

Bar One Ranch Plumas County & Sierra County Protecting Rangeland from Growth Pressures The 13,120-acre Bar One Ranch located in the Sierra Valley encompasses over 10% of this pristine watershed and represents the largest ranch in two counties. The easement is a major step to ensure that the alpine valley,

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