Category: San Benito County

Cattle graze on Roadrunner Ranch in San Benito County

Roadrunner Ranch

Located just four miles outside of Hollister, CA, the Roadrunner Ranch encompasses grasslands and wetlands that provide habitat for 14 special-status species including most notably, the California tiger salamander, California red-legged frog and the San Joaquin kit fox. In 2020, 548 acres of the ranch were forever conserved through a conservation agreement held by the Rangeland Trust.

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Image of pine forest on willow creek ranch.

Willow Creek Ranch

The Willow Creek Ranch is a beautiful beef cattle ranch that contains a haven for California’s federally threatened and endangered species and provides a significant water source for major cities in the region.

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Mercey Ranches

Mercey Ranches Fresno County & San Benito County The Mercey Ranches are located in the Panoche Valley west of Interstate 5 and due west of Fresno. The ranches contain unplowed grasslands; natural stream courses and waterways; unfragmented open space; corridors for the unimpaired passage of wildlife; natural ecosystems that provide

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