Tag: californiarangelandtrust

Mitigation Project in West Roseville Marries Land Conservation with Residential Development

(ROSEVILLE, CA) – Today, the California Rangeland Trust announced the permanent conservation of 87 acres of open space in West Roseville, known as the Creekview Northern Preserve. The Rangeland Trust partnered with the land development and homebuilding company Anthem United who funded the conservation easement on the property to mitigate potential environmental impacts associated with the development of the 500-acre Winding Creek Community, a new residential area being constructed nearby.

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Image of blue river.


We are thrilled to announce the release of new ecosystem services research showing the long-term benefits of land conservation. The study has found that working lands conserved by the Rangeland Trust provides $1 billion in environmental benefits annually, and Rangeland Trust conservation easements return $3.47 for every dollar invested.

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In an emotional confession, Merrie told of her promise to Don’s father regarding the ranch. “I made a promise to his dad on his deathbed, because his dad, his mother, and I were close. I made a promise to him, before he passed with cancer, that I would work my best to keep this a ranch and carry on his wishes that he was already doing. I told him I would do it. He knew I would keep the promise.”

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Image of man installing solar panels.

A CALIFORNIA SUCCESS STORY: The Jack Ranch Solar Project

Imagine generating enough clean energy on a ranch to power 100,000 homes. Thanks to a new solar project on the Jack Ranch in San Luis Obispo and Monterey counties, owned by the Hearst Corporation, a groundbreaking model of clean energy, innovative land management, and stewardship is creating 280 megawatts of green energy. Spanning 2,900 acres, the California Flats solar project was thoughtfully designed as an alternative revenue source for the ranch that is completely compatible with existing agricultural operations. California Rangeland Trust is proud to play a role in a venture that demonstrates the importance of rangeland and gives insight into the future of large-scale sustainability projects on ranches.

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