Tag: humboldt county

Share in the Experience of Conserving Lone Star Ranch

A century ago, the purchase of the Lone Star Ranch was sealed with a transaction of five gold coins. For five generations, the family stewarding this ranch has learned so much from the land and enhanced their care to align with the unique ecosystems here. Now, ranch owners, Mark and Dina Moore, are seeking the next step: permanent conservation of the Lone Star Ranch.

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Ranchers who spend their lives caring for rangeland are a resource as valuable as watersheds and viewsheds. Elizabeth Marshall calls it
“heritageshed”: the invisible but tangible sacrifice of generational ranchers who see stewardship as a calling beyond financial return.

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Image of cows in a field at Marshall Ranch

Marshall Ranch

In 2019, the California Rangeland Trust worked with the Marshall family to conserve the 2,942-acre Marshall Ranch in Humboldt County. The ranch has been in the Marshall family since 1880 and has been sustainably managed for livestock and timber production. Today, the ranch is leased out to an organic grass-fed beef operation.

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