Tag: ranching

Getting our Boots on the Ground at the Lone Oak Springs Ranch

To demonstrate our boots on the ground conservation efforts, the Rangeland Trust and local prospective ranching partner, Rick Taggard, welcomed 60 guests on February 10th to the Lone Oak Springs Ranch in Santa Maria, Calif. The event followed our annual “in-town” event, Reunir, which took place on February 8th at The Maker’s Son in Los Alamos.

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Nakagawa Ranch: An Unwavering Spirit of Resilience

In the face of war, internment, and personal tragedy, the Nakagawa family has persevered. Their ranch, remaining as one of the last Japanese American-owned agricultural enterprises in the United States, stands as a symbol of their unwavering resilience. And though Yokichi, the family patriarch, has passed on, his indomitable spirit will continue to live on through the land and his family’s hearts forever.

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Season 2 Episode 12: Helping People Help the Land

Today we are joined by Carlos Suarez, the California State Conservationist at NRCS. Together Michael and Carlos discuss the projects that the Rangeland Trust has completed with funding from the NRCS, how the NRCS is funded, the different programs that they offer for funding, as well as how they can work together to help meet our conservations and funding needs.

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California family secures 140-year ranching legacy by conserving their ranch in Gabilan Range 

The California Rangeland Trust is pleased to announce the conservation of the 9,400-acre Silacci Ranch in San Benito and Monterey Counties, Calif. Five generations of the Silacci family have been raised on the land, and just like other ranchers, they have faced many challenges that have made it increasingly difficult to continue ranching. With struggles like squeezed profit margins, increased fuel and labor costs, drought and water restrictions, stringent policies, and more, ranchers are often pressured to find alternative forms of income to supplement their business operations. By partnering with the Rangeland Trust to conserve the property, the family is safeguarding their ranch from future uncertainties and ensuring that their land and operations will remain viable for generations to come.

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Calaveras County family secures their family’s long ranching legacy

The California Rangeland Trust is proud to announce the conservation of the Nakagawa Ranch in Valley Springs, Calif. The United States is losing farm and ranch land at an alarming rate—2,000 acres a day are lost to development and conversion, according to a recent study by the American Farmland Trust. These losses threaten our nation’s food security and natural resources. Seeing development encroach firsthand led to the Nakagawas decision to conserve.

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Season 2 Episode 11: Voices Matter

In this episode, Kevin Kester, Rangeland Trust ranching partner, shares with us his experiences as a fifth-generation rancher and advocate of the beef industry. Kevin knows the power that ranchers’ voices can have, and today we want to share his.

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