Tag: califronia rangeland trust


2024 has been an incredible year for the Rangeland Trust! We reached some significant milestones. We took advantage of new opportunities to expand the organization. We reconnected with old friends and built new relationships throughout the state. Most importantly, we helped more ranching families
achieve their dreams of conservation and safeguard the working landscapes that are so important to all of us.

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Ranching is a way of life that demands resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to the land. It’s a tradition built on long days, hard labor, and a deep respect for nature. For many families, the ultimate goal isn’t just making it through the tough seasons or turning a profit—it’s ensuring that the land remains productive, healthy, and intact for the next generation.

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Episode 3.10: The Farm-to-Fork Movement

CEO & Host Michael Delbar along with Patrick and Bobbin Mulvaney discuss the origins of the Farm-to-Fork movement, its impact on the community, and the importance of knowing where our food comes from to build sustainability, resilience, and deeper connections between consumers and the land.

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Your Voice, Everyone’s Future​

Every year, the Rangeland Trust Staff and Board visit various parts of the state to engage with conservation partners, landowners, peers, supporters, and community leaders to understand what’s important and relevant in the places where we work.

Since it’s hard for our team to set foot in all 58 counties of this beautiful state, we also aim to open channels for you to reach out to us and let us know what’s on your mind. Sometimes this is encouraged through surveys, donation forms, or often just through our website. The point is, we love to hear from you!

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In the Salinas Valley of California, known as the “Salad Bowl of the World”, a local ranching family is helping to ensure that there will always be protein on the plate.

For over 140 years, the Silacci family has called the Valley home – beginning when patriarch Bautista Silacci immigrated to Monterey County. After living in Moss Landing in the early 1880s, he decided to move inland to Salinas to work at a local dairy. In 1887, seizing an opportunity to establish roots on the land and in the industry, he purchased the dairy. Together, he and his family raised dairy cattle and cultivated various crops, contributing to the Valley’s notorious bounty.

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BONUS: Celebrating 20 Years of PORT!

Two decades ago, six land trusts formed the Partnership of Rangeland Trusts (PORT) to protect private rangelands across the West. Today, with nine member organizations spanning 12 states, PORT continues its mission of conserving working lands and preserving western heritage. As PORT marks its 20th anniversary, this bonus episode of Tuned In to the Land features PORT members’ leadership Erik Glenn, Jessica Crowder, and Chad Ellis, who discuss the critical role PORT plays in safeguarding farms, ranches, and open spaces for future generations.

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